
الخميس، 27 ديسمبر 2018

Shipping Area

shipping area

Shipping Area

because the sun seems to be 6 months north of the equator and 6 months south of the Katulistwa, then the earth changes in the earth. according to the turn of the season, even then there will be changes in rhythm.

This shipping area is very important for us to know because the area is closely related to how well it is built and the weight of the pond is clearer for more details, friends can read the next article.



Division of Shipping Areas

For the security of the ship, a division of the shipping area is made in accordance with the current season in the area, along with the distribution of the shipping area:

  • Northern Winter Season, where Winter starts from October 16 to April 15 and summer from April 16 to October 15, this area is located between latitudes 35٥ north to 90٥ North 
  • Summer all year round, this area is located between 15٥ north to 35٥ north and 10٥ south to 40٥ south. 
  • All-year tropics, this area is located between 10٥ south and 15٥ north. 
  • Periodically southern Musin Dingin, Winter starts April 16 to October 15 and summer starts from October 16 to April 15. this area is located between 40٥ south and 90٥ south

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